Monday, March 5, 2012

invisible ones

Years ago I had the joy of writing a spoken word script for a video called  "Fast Forward: A History of the Church" as part of the Global Leadership Summit, (2007-ish).  This is an excerpt from the piece.  

This is about the unseen saints and heroes that keep the Church, with all its foibles and faults, alive.  There have been many of these strong, quiet souls over the centuries, whose names we will never know... as there are today.

You know who you are... 

invisible ones 
i want to ask you Church
how have you survived?
what mighty engine keeps your cells alive
what great heartbeat has sustained you
when pain contorts you
and sin stains you
through the trough of human sorrow
who has lifted you
to tomorrow?

there are
and always have been
the invisible ones
who never made a name
rejected fame
the brick and pillars
the crossbeams of the church
they have stood up for justice
stooped down to serve
reached out to heal
sheltered the defenseless
mothered the motherless
lifted the depressed
and loved the despised

it matters that they lived
it matters how they died
it matters that they answered the call
without them
the foundations would groan and crack
and finally fall

I just (!!) discovered (through Google archaeology), that Fast Forward: A History of the Church is posted
in its entirety, subtitled in Spanish:

It's also posted in 2 parts, subtitled in what i believe to be German:

part 1
part 2

Caveat:  This video is many years old now :-)


  1. Greg, this brings back great memories of that Summit. These words are a beautiful testament to God's faithfulness to HIs Bride.

  2. I loved this piece and we have used it a couple of times at church since I first saw it.


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