Wednesday, January 23, 2013

prayer for the new

Lord God 
don't let this year be
a mere copy of last year

breathe your Spirit into this year fresh
give it the color and heat of Your intent
the radiance of Your vision
the fire of Your love
the power to carry out Your dream
swiftly and strongly

let this year shine like a brilliant sun
and let us thrive 
in its light

Saturday, January 12, 2013

watchful eye

i'm on the lookout for the holy
for the numinous
it's everywhere
but is best caught in the lowest of light
when the distractions of our world
are hidden for a time
dormant for a few hours

then the watching souls
who are awake
get an opportunity to catch
the faintest of a glimpse
a vibe the inner senses detect
a stillness beyond stillness
a light that broods over the earth
in the earliest dawn
or the deep dusk

then i hold my breath

then the holy comes out to play

and maybe
just maybe

God will speak

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