Saturday, February 26, 2011

the desert path

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.  (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Years ago I had an opportunity to go to the desert to seek guidance from God.

It wasn't the exactly the Egyptian wilderness of the Desert Fathers of ancient days.  It was…well… a California state park, complete with groomed trails, guides, and tourists in Hawaiian shirts and sandals. But ever since my wife Corinne and I had arrived in the Golden State for a much-needed vacation, I had the uncanny sense that I was supposed to take a side trip into the desert. I wondered if God might speak to me in some way—a sort of “burning bush” that might guide my choices at a very confusing crossroads.

I arrived in the park and walked the path, taking in rock formations, the sky, the desert vibe, letting my thoughts percolate.  After a while the trail led up a hill and toward the top I could make out a shape like a cross. This is it, I thought.  I hiked up the rest of the way full of expectation, senses heightened. Something significant was here.

I clambered up the hill, anticipation growing with every step.  I reached the crest, and the vista of the desert land opened up gloriously before me. I approached what turned out to be a cross-shaped sign, and the message came into view:

I laughed at myself and my overblown expectations.  It had been posted by the Park Service for the safety of the tourists! 

But then I thought further… maybe there’s a message for me here anyway.

I had followed one career path, one chosen ministry, for decades. Recently the terrain had changed significantly, leaving me uncertain how to proceed.  For months I had been mulling over the unsettling idea of diverting from the path I had followed for so long.  Compounding the angst of the moment, Corinne was now wrestling with some serious health issues. So here at the top of the hill, my encounter with this wooden sign seemed like more than a coincidence.  I decided to follow the metaphor with my feet.  I stayed on the trail. I hiked back down, and continued further on. The path narrowed, becoming rockier, increasingly dry and desolate, like the surface of the moonNothing could grow here.  Off in the distance, the trail wound up another hill, far steeper, positively treacherous.  I stopped and looked carefully at the scene.

And somewhere inside I sensed God’s voice saying, No matter how narrow and desolate your path toward the future may seem now, no matter how rocky and fraught with dangers,

please…. Stay On The Trail. 

And I listened.  My spirit resonated.

Several years later, by God’s grace I’m still on the path, staying the course that He has carved out for me, as He continues, step by step, to provide in surprising, unforeseen ways. And my flimsy faith is slowly growing into something that might just survive even when the trail is narrowest and the terrain most rocky.

And, so far as I can see and imagine, as Robert Frost might say…

“…that has made all the difference.”

Good Shepherd, Perfect Guide,
As we travel on, help us see Your navigating hand, Your guidance and provision…the perfection of Your vision.  We submit our every hope to You. Align us with Your Spirit, and hear our longing as we ask, O Lord, for wisdom.   

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Imagine actually being there in real time when Jesus was walking on the earth, among crowds, healing them one by one...


i imagined You yesterday--
You with a crowd

one at a time
hand on shoulders
top of head

grasping both hands with a strong firm grip. 
looking squarely into eyes  


do you believe I can do this?

holy eyes searching the inner landscape
sensing where shreds of faith could be found
within the sick soul

live silence
search mode
looking deep into eye windows

the crowd on their toes

unspoken lightning fast dialog
Jesus to cells
analyzed spirit computations
cell to cell system to soul
deep calling to deep
cutting through
mining true trust
activating healing
deep well resources
is there enough there?

the faith within
answers the inquiring gaze
rapid rush of healing


healing accomplished

loving gaze
child, go in peace

remember this

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


This poem is a reminder about God’s careful concern for the details of each one of our lives, day to

...even the very hairs on your head are all numbered.     
                         Matt. 10: 29-30


that bird matters

that tree matters that holds the weight of the bird

the nest matters because it protects and insulates

the bird feeder matters because it supplies a measure of daily seed

every leaf on that tree counts
because of the balance of CO2 and O2
taken in and breathed out
by every earthly soul i love

that shelter by the road
because it surrounds and keeps warm those souls
those souls i love
in the dead of winter

every car every bus every truck matters
propelling the souls from here to there
this street to that street
that road
that railway 
creating a smooth path
for the cars, trucks and trains 
as my beloved 
come and go about their lives

the space
the distance 
the margin 
between every car truck and train 
on every road and every railway counts
because it keeps them from colliding at high speed
thereby keeping intact and safe 
for one more day 
souls i deeply love

not one bird

not one tree
one leaf
not one nest
one seed
not one home
one shelter
one road
car or bus
not one train
not one soul
escapes my notice
and my concern
between every line
behind every scene


learn to be still
learn to see me in the quiet
with your soul eyes
you will begin to feel it

you will begin to understand

Thursday, February 10, 2011

this pathway

This song lyric is for those who are on a tough road, for whom perseverance is a daily decision.

Lord this pathway may not be easy
but it's where I'm meant to be
in Your presence You will keep me
as my mind is stayed on Thee

I will follow through the canyons
over mountains, across the seas
You will find me in Your footsteps
till I'm finally home and free

Lord don't let me be dissuaded
from Your holy work in me
till I reach Your destination
and at last I'm home and free

Sunday, February 6, 2011

the man who kept on and kept on

A cautionary tale.....

There once was a man for whom performing and achieving were like eating a good meal. When he took on a project and did it well, he consumed the accolades and compliments in double portions of self-esteem.  He got sustenance from it. 

He knew that times were hard and people all around him were going hungry for lack of recognition and significance, and he feared starvation to come.  So he piled on—accepted more and more servings of opportunity onto his plate, shoveled in more praise and applause, against the uncertain tide of the future.  It was like sitting down to one huge, constant feast.  Soon he was gorged, gulping down requests and opportunities, stuffing them into his mouth until they ran down his chin and he could hardly breathe.  He couldn’t stop.

Before long he was violently obese and could only get around with a double-sized wheelchair.  People had to push him through doors and squeeze him into elevators, and he needed a supersized car to get around.  But every time another performance or project came along, he gulped it in--he couldn’t turn it down. 

“After all,” he said, while six people tried to cram him through the door of the Emergency Room…

“You never know when times will get lean and there will be famine.”  

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


8:00am. We're socked in with snow.  Before the plows come, nothing can move.  The stillness and peace reminds me of this song God gave me years ago.  It still has a healing, quieting effect on my soul. You may know this's called Peacemaker.  I've double-spaced the words so we can take them in more slowly, letting God speak through them.


fear taker

soul soother

storm smoother

light shiner

lost finder

cloud lifter


heart toucher

truth lover

who other could be

fear taker

peacemaker to me

mind clearer

sigh hearer

hand holder


wound binder

tear drier

strength giver


heart healer

kind Father

who other could be

my Savior

peacemaker to me

let Your peace rule in my heart

let Your kindness fill my thoughts

let Your strength secure my soul

let Your peace take hold in me

let Your wisdom guide my will

Your compassion fill this place

let my anxious thoughts be still

let Your peace rule in my heart

I need You

I need You

I need You in my life

I trust You

believe You

I need You in my life

I know

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