Friday, March 30, 2012


i wonder
at moments
even with all the right eating and exercise
the cause of much turmoil of health
turns out to be
a dishevelment of the inside spirit
in a world of overheated ambitions
that conspire to pull us apart
to fragment us
and then to turn those fragment factions
against each other
into a state of blistering civil war 
making the inside of our skin
a hot battleground

invisible skirmishes
little explosions
firefights and turf wars
can be dramatic and ravaging
in the troubled human soul
of those who present
even the coolest
smoothest persona

how does all that silent warfare
fit in the space of a human head?
or even a body? 
a bloodstream? 

does it register to the outside world
as an uncharacteristic
twitch in the eyelid
perhaps a furrow in the brow
a letting slip of a caustic word
an ill-advised phrase
a burst of hot rage
or maybe only detectable
as a distracted glance the other way

perhaps this is how
the hot conflagration of a human soul
betrays itself
to the alert observer
if painstakingly concealed
in favor of a perfect outward image
it turns inward
going on a rampage
and visiting havoc on the human infrastructure 
until it smolders like Gettysburg
or Normandy the day after the battle

ah friends we must
pray for peace
declare a truce
on the inside

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I'm re-posting this song lyric/prayer that I wrote years ago, and first posted in May of '11.  It was a good reminder for me this morning and I thought it might be for you as well.


what You give me is enough
i'm empty now but nothing is beyond You
You feed thousands easily
and You'll move mountains if i believe
You'll move mountains if i believe

how You made me is enough
there's no point in being a pretender
to play the role of someone else
it's enough just to be myself
You invite me to be myself

how You use me is enough
i don't need a greater reputation
i will harvest gratefully
the plot of land You gave to me
the plot of land You gave to me

my best is all You ask of me
i don't need more than You provide for me
i'll do the best i can
with what i have
and what i have
will be enough for me.

link to recording of "Enough"

Monday, March 12, 2012

three destinations

i met
a wise old soul
who let me in on a secret

consider if you will
he said
three possible destinations


is better known by the name 
journey there
and you will find
it contains
great masses of people 


is famously known as
and it too is overcrowded

the ancient eyes of the wise old soul

I submit for your approval
said he
the third destination


it's best known as
This Moment
it's almost uninhabited
it's vast and spacious
and absolutely brimming with possibility
all it requires is a keen eye and a bit of faith

truth be told 
he said in a whisper

it’s the only real place to live

i wanted to hear more
but I was running late
and I had to go

i wonder if he’s still there

Monday, March 5, 2012

invisible ones

Years ago I had the joy of writing a spoken word script for a video called  "Fast Forward: A History of the Church" as part of the Global Leadership Summit, (2007-ish).  This is an excerpt from the piece.  

This is about the unseen saints and heroes that keep the Church, with all its foibles and faults, alive.  There have been many of these strong, quiet souls over the centuries, whose names we will never know... as there are today.

You know who you are... 

invisible ones 
i want to ask you Church
how have you survived?
what mighty engine keeps your cells alive
what great heartbeat has sustained you
when pain contorts you
and sin stains you
through the trough of human sorrow
who has lifted you
to tomorrow?

there are
and always have been
the invisible ones
who never made a name
rejected fame
the brick and pillars
the crossbeams of the church
they have stood up for justice
stooped down to serve
reached out to heal
sheltered the defenseless
mothered the motherless
lifted the depressed
and loved the despised

it matters that they lived
it matters how they died
it matters that they answered the call
without them
the foundations would groan and crack
and finally fall

I just (!!) discovered (through Google archaeology), that Fast Forward: A History of the Church is posted
in its entirety, subtitled in Spanish:

It's also posted in 2 parts, subtitled in what i believe to be German:

part 1
part 2

Caveat:  This video is many years old now :-)

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